Wednesday, November 19, 2008

If you found me here...

I don't blog here.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goodbye...or just a break???

Well...I am married! :)

To comemorate this turning point I decided to create a new blog using a different host. It allows me to have several blogs and keep up with them in one place...and have photo albums...

Does this mean the end of Mundane News???

I don't know. Only time will tell...

Until then visit me here....

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Checking of my list...







It is 10:30am...the limo is supposed to arrive at is almost time to go. We will pick up my cousins and go to PF Changs for our bridesmaid luncheon. Then at 2:30 we arrive at the salon for hair and makeup. Then at 5:30 we head to the chapel! :) Today is going to go fast!

The next time I blog I will be married!!!!

Today is my wedding day!


Friday, June 16, 2006

Sweet Dreams

Well...the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner went perfectly. I couldn't have asked for better.

Now it is time for me to go to sleep. I am so tired.

This is my last full day as a Dean....tomorrow I will become a Swanner.... :)

Goodnight world...tomorrow is my wedding day!

One day to go!

It is the day before my is 7:43 am...and I feel like shit...not just crap...but shit.

It all starts with the fact that I went to bed WAY too late last night. I was up late doing stuff because I haven't finished everything that I need to do...and I let us stay WAY too late at the mall last night. Oh well...can't fix any of that now.

But even before yesterday things have been stressful. Tuesday we got my didn't fit and it was wrong. It looked horrible to me...they put it together wrong and both Nathan and I were very unhappy. The necklace we bought for the wedding day ....the one they swore the could make white gold...they couldn't and I was extremely disappointed....the pearl and saphire ring we bought to match my pearl earings and the now un-fixable pearl necklace wasn't sized...seems as though they took it upon themselves to decide I wouldn't want it and so they did't bother to size it. I think that pissed me off the most.

Then on Wednesday night the recpeption people emailed me...which the whole thing has become quite a fiasco and I will be writing a letter of complaint...but anyway...they emailed me an email I was not supposed to see about a surprise Nathan was doing for now I know there is a surprise...but fortuneately my fast reading brain shut of and closed my eyes before I read what it all is not completely spoiled...but then again it is. days and nights have not been enjoyable and stress-free. Oh well...I guess every bride has her problems!

The rehearsal is in 9 short hours...and I have tons to off I go!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

4 days

I am reminded of a passage from Harry Potter and the Goblet of says something about how time seems to pass strangely when you are waiting for something big...that it seems to pass excruitatingly slow and then suddenly you look up and the day is gone.

That is how I feel.

During my day I feel like time is crawling...but then I get in bed and wonder where the day went.

Almost all the little details are taken care now I have lots of free time to just sit and wait...time goes slow...

Sunday, June 11, 2006


I feel naked...and it is a horrible feeling.

I took off my engagment ring today and handed over to the nice lady at Zales. We are having the bands soldered together before the wedding so Nathan only has to put one ring on my finger instead of several.

Now I feel like I am walking around naked. I am constantly feeling my finger and have a short moment of panic when I don't feel my ring...and then I remember...oh yeah...I don't have it right now.

I am glad I get it back in 5 days...well acutally 6...but today is almost over so I will count it as 5

Saturday, June 10, 2006

From one end of the Metroplex to the other...

Today was our big shopping day. A week from right now I will be entering the chapel to get dressed. It is 6:02 currently.

Anyway...back to what I was was our big shopping day. I wish Nathan would write a post because I am sure it would be funny. When we finally stopped for lunch at 2:30 Nathan said, "This is the first time in my life that I have ever been to 3 malls in one day...and we will probably make 4 by day's end."

We had gifts to buy for all of our attendants and cards for them and our to buy for Ava and Luke...and lots of driving in between. We started out in town and finally found a hallmark that carried speciality cards for groomsmen and bridesmaids....saved the day there. We spend $40 at the Hallmark just on cards...a first for even me. Then we headed to Mesquite because the guy at the Eye Masters we visited last night assured us they had a sonic cleaning maching at the Town East store. The lady at the Town East store was SUPER RUDE, finally scarcatically adding their machine broke two years ago. Whatever...

So on to the first Toys-R-Us for the day. Then to various resturants for gift cards. Then another Toys-R-Us. Then to Plano and our 3rd mall of the day for lunch and another Hallmark store. Then up to Frisco to hit Sam Moon. Then back to Plano for another few gift cards. Then to the Garland mall to check in with Al's Formal. Then to Wylie for our last gift card and finally home. What a day.

We did more shopping today than we have done since we got together. :)

But my to-do-list is vastly shorter which feels good.

Tonight's goal...start getting things ready for next weekend. You may think I am starting early...but I don't want to be rushed and forget things!