Disturbing News...
The news has been filled with horrible things lately. Most of the time I simply refuse to watch the news. None of it is really THAT important. We get to hear about who killed who, what building burned down, how many more people in Iraq are dead, and how high gas prices are now. None of it is happy. Why bombard yourself with negative thoughts? Life is much better with a positive outlook...and it is hard to remain positive when all you hear is negative. This does not mean that I am being naive...it simply means that I don't wish to focus on the bad and destructive. I wish to focus on the good and happy. There are plenty of good things to think about.
This being said...there are two things recently that have bothered me. The first has been the ongoing battle in Florida over a woman's life. She is in a persistant vegatative state according to doctors and her husband contend's that she would not wish to "live" life by simply being kept alive by a feeding tube. Her parents continue to fight to keep her "alive". Who is right? Who is wrong? Personally I think the parents are wrong in this case. She is not making progress and they need to just let her go. This whole fight has just made one thing extremely clear to me....it is time for me to get a living will. I have talked for many years to my closest friends that I really need to get a will set up...but I have continued to put it off. Mom is calling the lawyer and setting up an appointment so I can finally get this done. I don't want to be "kept alive" by some tube or machine. That is NOT living. I don't want anyone to have to make a horrible decision. It is my decision and if it written down then it is my choice. It would prevent people fighting about what they THINK I wanted...even though most people know.
The second thing that disturbed me I just read about on yahoo news. That boy in Minnisota who killed his grandparents, all those people at the school, and then himself. I hate hearing stories about children who go into the school with guns blasting. I am a teacher and it bothers me on many many levels.
So...I think I will go back to avoiding the news. It will probably take the rest of my afternoon to counteract the negative thoughts that the news has planted in my head. So I will pray. And I will focus on all of the good...
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