Sunday, May 29, 2005

10 year High School Reunion I am...10 years after graduating high school. Our class reunion is coming up this summer. This brings all kinds of thoughts to mind...

10 years is a long time....we were 18 when we graduated. We thought we were all grown up...but looking back I realize now just how much of a kid I still was. Which makes me think about my classmates....How have they changed? I know I am nothing like I was when I was 18. So much "LIFE" has happened in the last 10 years.

I have to say that I am a better person now. I think most of that has to do with the simple act of growing up. I am much more patient and tolerant now than I was. I think about how mean we could be in high school...and I wonder...will seeing old friends open old wounds? Or do we leave all that in the we all realize that we were stupid kids in high school and that we are different now...we are adults. The things that used to matter...who was friends with whom...who belonged to which group....who was dating...who was talking bad about we leave all that in the past? Or for one weekend do we travel back in time and become our high school selves again? Rejoining old groups...hating those we hated in high school?

All of this makes me wonder who harbors bad feelings about me. I am sure that I owe many people apologies for this or that. Does time heal those wounds? Does the simple fact that we aren't who we were act as an apology that we just all just silently agree upon?

And then there are the old close friends...all of us thinking on graduation day 10 years ago that we would all remain close friends and keep in touch. And yet....for some reason we didn't. We moved to different cities or states for college and met new best friends and started new lives. We grew up and left those high school friends behind...those we swore we would always remain friends with. Will we even have anything in common now? What will we talk about? I suppose we will chat about where we have been and what we have been doing for the last 10 years.

And I go or not? I am torn...torn between memories of old and fears that maybe I owe too many apologies for my silly 18-year-old self.

I wonder if everyone has these thoughts before the class reunion....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I have a secret....

I have a secret that I am dying to tell....but I can't.

Too many family members read my blog and no one is allowed to know my secret yet. A couple of people know....and they better not tell!

I have been avoiding my blog because I want to talk about my secret...there is lots to tell...but I can't tell yet...

So....stay tuned...soon I will be able to tell my secret!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I Got a Job!!!!

Well....really I have had a job since I moved back to Texas in December...but yesterday afternoon I took a job at a middle school in Garland.

So....I got a Job in my field again!!!!

I am so happy. I never thought I would teach in fact I have been adamant from the time I was in the Garland schools that I would neither live nor work in Garland. I don't really know why I was so crazy about that...I guess because as a kid I always wanted to go and do and live far from home in Maine and have 5 kids. Can you imagine???? 5 KIDS!!!!


Anyway....I am now working in Garland. I was an Owl in high I went to Garland High and that was our mascot. Now I will be teaching at Bussy Middle School where I will be an Owlet. Funny how we come full circle.

So...the details...7th grade science. That is really all I know at this point since I just took the job yesterday. I really liked the principals and my department head....who as it turns out I went to middle school and high school with. :) So I am happy again...back in my cozy little world of middle school.

Happy Day!!!!