Wednesday, March 15, 2006


The thing I hate most in this world...Packing.

There is very little that is GOOD about packing. I do the easy stuff first...the entertainment unit, the hutch, the bookshelves...I leave the random stuff for the end. I love it when everything for a specific place fits in a designated box. I hate the end when there is not enough of anything to fill one box so you get boxes full of random things.

One good thing is that I weed out the crap that I really don't need. Old magazines that I really hate to part with but I know I will never read again. Shoes I haven't worn in 3 to things that I cannot remember what it belongs to.

I didn't always throw things out as easily as I do now. There are two reasons for my change...

1. I have moved 8 times in the last four years. I could go through all the various is too long and tedius. This will now be the 9th move since 2002. Anyone who moves that much is simply crazy. And after the first or second move you get really sick of moving crap you never use or need and so you finally just get rid of it. It is quite freeing in a way. To have fewer and fewer boxes to move each time is an accomplishment. Of course...if you talk to my dad he will say that I still have too much junk...but...I could probably get down to 3 boxes and 4 pieces of furniture and it would still be too much! :) (Just kidding Pop!)

2. The seond reason for my change is Nathan. He likes to throw stuff away. He is of the opinion that if you don't currently need it then get rid of it. I argue that I might need it. He asks when. I say...I don't know...but one day I will need when we have kids. He rolls his eyes and laughs. We repeat this conversation several times a week. So...we get rid of stuff. And for the most part I am happy about it. It is nice to not have useless clutter and for everything to have a space...because when you throw things out you suddenly have plenty of space!

This is going to be my last move for many years. I mean...the 9th move in 4 years!!!! I am crazy.

But even with the knowledge that I won't have to pack up and move again in the forseeable future I still hate the packing process. It is easier with Nathan helping however.

So on we pack...a week from tomorrow we sign on the house and start moving in....ONE very very exciting!!!


Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

OMG. The first time Damon & I moved together...he would assemble a box, then walk around the house...toss in a couple of books from the living room, the spices from the kitchen, some DVDs, and the contents of his sock drawer..then title the box "MISC". I had about 20 "MISC" boxes b/c that's the way he packed stuff up. DROVE ME NUTS! So, I totally understand your point about boxes at the end that have random crap thrown together....

...but, settling in is going to be so much fun for you!


9:45 AM  

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