The Most Unexpected Surprise
It has been forever since I have posted. First we were busy moving and then district inservices started and neither Nathan or I have had time to do anything for fun. It is starts Monday. I am about to go to the school in the hopes of finishing my room so that on Monday it will look good. Keep your fingers crossed.
This really isn't what this blog entry is supposed to be moving on.
My mom's birthday is July 30th. We celebrated her birthday on Sunday the 31st. Nathan and I were the last to get to the house. When we got there mom immediately took me to show me what Bob got her for her birthday. He was sitting in the chair in the living room and I couldn't really see him...but as I rounded the chair I saw the best birthday present ever. HE HAD SHAVED!!! Now...for those of you who don't know my brother...he had been growing a gotee for years now. It was was scragaldy...and disliked by just about everyone in the family. But he loved it and he refused to trim it, shape it, or cut it off. So on the saga went. Mom HATED it. We had already started begging him to shave it off or at least trim it up and make it look "kept" for my wedding NEXT year. He refused saying that he beard would not ruin my wedding...but oh the pictures...I didn't want that in my beautiful highly expensive wedding pictures to look at forever and ever more.
But...he cut it. He had been planning it for a month. It was going to be mom's birthday present and later he told me mine too. That is fine with me. Everyone is happy. Mom cried. And he promises to keep it off for a year. So I would like to announce to the world that I have the BEST brother in the world! Love you Bob!
Here is a picture of us at Christmas. Bob is on the far left. You can see how long his beard was then...he cut it at the end of add another inch or so to the length. Now you can see why mom and I are so so so happy!

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