Friday was Cinco de Mayo...or at our school...Mayfest.
We had a dance and a carnival from 2:00-4:00 for the kids. All the teachers were involved in some way. I volunteered to do the "pie-a-teacher" booth. In this booth I allowed kids to throw a "pie" at me for $0.50 a throw. The pie was mostly shaving cream. There was a little whipping cream until I put a stop to that. I can't stand the smell of sour milk. The shaving cream was more fun though because if they got a direct hit it would stick to my face until one of my booth helpers came and pulled it off my face. I did this for 2 hours. I had so much fun. I loved taunting my kids...
Some never got close...but there was one boy who hit me square in the face every time he came up. He came up about 7 times. One of my little girls payed 9 tickets to try and hit me...she hit me twice. I had a great time. I was a mess afterwards and never so happy to take a shower!

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